Monday, June 17, 2013

 It Takes More Than Just 
 Water for Proper Hydration
                                                      Jason (858) 353-4640
                                             Expert Health Consultant

It Takes More Than Just
Water for Proper Hydration

By Dr. Christopher Melites N. D.
  When you were born your water 
content was about 78%. As a healthy 
adult you should be comprised of about 
70% water content.

  In measuring lean body mass hydration, 
researchers have noted an optimal lean 
mass level equivalent of 70% to 74%.

Other than oxygen, there is no single 
more important substance critical to 
life itself; WATER

  We have all made the observation 
that with aging dehydration occurs as 
evidenced by the wrinkled look 
associated with aging. 

I call this “the grape to raisin” and 
”plum to prune” phenomena.

  The signs of overt dehydration are 
clear, yet it is the subclinical symptoms 
that warrant daily attention such as 
fatigue and lack of vitalityheadache
an inability to concentratejoint pain 
due to insufficient cushioning at the 
joint space, muscle pain and discomfort
skin conditionsconstipation, etc.

  One can live weeks without food, yet only 
days without water. 

  But water alone is not enough, it is the 
minerals carried by the moisture in the 
body that is essential to life itself. 
These minerals are referred to routinely 
as electrolytes. They actually allow for 
the conduction of electricity within the 
body, including the creating of electrical 
impulses throughout our nervous system.

  Symptoms of insufficient hydration and 
electrolytes include: thirst, restless or 
irritable behavior, decreased athletic 
performance, dry mucous membranes, 
sunken eyes and decrease in sweat 
during exercise.

Symptoms of early or mild dehydration 
include (one or more of the following):

  • fatigue 
  • diminished mental clarity 
  • overall muscle weakness
  • muscle cramps
  • muscle spasms 
  • decreased flexibility
  • headaches 
  • flushed face
  • dry, warm and irritated skin
  • dizziness
  • increased illness 

Even with mild dehydration the blood becomes
more thick, this increased blood viscosity
(thickness) can trigger cerebral (stroke) or
 myocardial infarction (heart attacks).

Recent data from a study conducted by 
Stanford University School of Medicine 
suggest that as many as 60% of older 
adults are dehydrated.

Ionizer your way to Feeling Better
The medical professions are finally learning 
about the true importance of proper fluid 
and electrolyte levels as it is associated with 
wellness, performance and mortality.

Drinking Ionized water gives you’re the body 
the ability to replenish minerals thirty percent 
more efficiently and rapidly.

The human body is made up of 75 trillion cells 
and they demand sufficient nutrients, oxygen 
and waste removal to function optimally. 

Yet, without proper levels of hydration and 
electrolytes, tissues like your muscles that 
are highest source of hydration reserve within 
your body cannot function properly.

Mental PerformanceIf a person does not have the proper blend 
of minerals and water, the brain will not 
perform properly. Researchers have 
documented that dehydration is a reliable 
predictor of impaired cognitive status.

Back in Motion

Even the skeletal system made up of 
bones is affected by proper hydration. 

Research has shown that during the 
aging process the thinning of the bone, 
and loss of bone density.

Proper Hydration-WATER+MINERALS

Hydrating and re-hydrated the human 
body requires a lot more that just 64 
ounces (8 glasses) of water consumption 
to replenish and retain optimal cellular
 fluid levels. 

It is essential to provide a balance of 
minerals to maintain the balance of not 
just surviving day to day, but to truly thrive.


Magnesium is the second most plentiful 
positively charged mineral within the body,
 following calcium, and is involved with
more than 300 enzyme systems. 

The availability of magnesium for proper 
muscle and overall energy within all the 
cells of the body is critical. 

The body has created a reserve system 
of magnesium to help maintain stable 
levels with a full third of skeletal 
magnesium being on the surface of the
bone and acts as a reservoir to maintain 
the extra-cellular magnesium concentration.


The potassium mineral plays a role in 
many body functions including 
acid-base balance, nerve and muscle 
health, including the heart and various 
enzymatic reactions.

It is essential in the functioning processes 
including nerve impulse transmission; 
cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle 
contraction; gastric secretion; renal 
function; tissue synthesis; and 
carbohydrate synthesis. 

Inadequate dietary intake of potassium 
can contribute to high blood pressure
stroke, and heartdisease

Potassium works together with other 
nutrients to produce beneficial physiological 


Individuals with low sodium levels, that 
hasn’t re-hydrated after warm weather, 
a work out or is just plain low in sodium 
that are the patients complaining most of 
feeling weak, tired and overall washout. 

The single most important thing to 
remember about sodium is to keep it 
balanced with the other electrolyte 
minerals such as potassium. 

Our bodies are seeking balance and by 
maintaining balance the body stays in 
harmony. The standard western diet 
typically contains sufficient sodium with 
the exception of serious athletes.


In order for the muscles of our body to 
contract such as our heart and skeletal 
muscles sufficient calcium needs to be 
readily available to literally keep our 
body in motion. Yet, one must have 
sufficient magnesium for muscles to 
relax. It is all about balance for peak 

For those seeking to help ensure 
stronger bones, healthier muscle 
performance and supporting overall 
health calcium is a key cornerstone 
in building a strong wellness 


The average modern diet is devoid 
of sufficient minerals to allow us to 
fully enjoy wellness. 

Over the last 200 years, top soil 
erosion in the United States has 
gone from 21 inches to a mere 6 

This means that trace minerals have 
been washed and blown away from 

Without the minerals in the soil, the 
plants can’t deliver them to our body 
to sustain the dynamic human frame. 

So, it is imperative to actively take 
charge and drink ionized mineral 
dense water, and charge your nervous 
system and entire body with the 
electrolytes that are the spark of life.

        Jason Toohey
          (858) 353-4640
                 Expert Health Consultant

Monday, June 10, 2013

Earn 20% for referring to alkaline water

                                                               20% Referral Bonus offer
                                                               Jason (858) 353-4640
                                                               Expert Health Consultant

 20% Referral Bonus offer

Reminding individually that you too
can make 20% bonus on your referrals.

All you have to do is have your client
call and mention name, or call me
directly with the info.

Once we close the deal, we wait only
60 days untill the return period has
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Your success is my goal because my
success is linked to yours.

Essentially I am a valuable resource
you should use more often than not.

I'm here to help you make money
and be of value to your close friends
and family who need alkaline water too.

Jason Toohey
Expert Health Consultant
(858) 353-4640

Thursday, June 6, 2013

5 beyond healthy alkaline water facts

                                                                5 beyond healthy alkaline water facts
                                                                Jason (858) 353-4640
                                                                Expert Health Consultant

5 beyond healthy alkaline water facts

  • Promotes cell replication
  • Enhances Fertility 
  • Alleviates discomfort
  • Inspires mental clarity
  • Boosts immunity

  • "Every cell in your body dies and is replaced by new cells"

    Creating new cell and cleansing the 
    body of dead cells takes energy.

    What would it be like to both have 
    cells die less and be replicated 
    more quickly?

    That is what alkaline water is 
    all about.

    The ORP- (oxidation reduction potential) 
    a.k.a. anti-oxidant property of alkaline 
    water has far reaching abilities with 
    infinite possibilities for healthier lives 

    Cell Replication-
    Alkaline water transports nutrients 
    and brings energy where necessity 
    compels and with intesity.

    Where attention goes, energy flows 
    and more nutrient availability for 
    your imagined pleasures enhances 
    your dreams into reality.

    Inflamation often causes discomfort. 
    If your body is ciculating 10x faster 
    than ususal, inflamation generally 
    doesn't have a festering opportunity 
    to set it before eradication.

    Mental clarity-
    Moving digestion through it's coarse 
    whilst increasing blood oxygen and 
    circulation has the culmination to 
    have metal clarity quick and simple.

    Boost immunity-
    Having neutralized all the cell 
    destructive acidity in the body, 
    your immune function will be 
    nothing short of stronger than 

    M-7 UV $2597
    Jason Toohey
    (858) 353-4640
    Expert Sales Consultant

    Wednesday, June 5, 2013

    5 disturbing effects of alkaline water

                                                                     5 disturbing effects of alkaline water
                                                                     Jason (858) 353-4640
                                                                     Expert Health Consultant

     5 disturbing effects of alkaline water

    1. Headache
    2. Fatigue
    3. Nausea
    4. Urination
    5. Diarrhea

    The detox process flushes toxins out of the body.

    I once heard a quote that I thoroughly enjoyed:
    "Expect the worst, Hope for the Best"

    Living this way should have positive effects.

    On the other hand, detox side effects can
    be arduous.

    Not everyone experiences these effects, it's
    only preparing you for the worst.

    The first side effect of detoxification is Headache
     Sometimes the headache reasons are due to 
    cravings. When it permeates our body and 
    controls our brain function, it becomes hard 
    for the brain to maintain homeostasis.

    · Fatigue is the second detox side effects. It 
    can be said that fatigue can be considered 
    paradoxical because you start with decreasing 
    energy, yet end feeling your energy electrified.

    The third detox side effects is Nausea. The
    flush can results in vomiting or puking.

    A fourth side effect is Urination. How much 
    liquid you drink to the ratio of urination 
    expelled increases with unbelievable speeds. 
    Toxins are flushed through urination at an 
    extremely fast pace.

    The last painful detox side effect is Diarrhea
    An person like you should consider this to be 
    a positive way to relieve the toxins from the 
    body quickly. 

    It is also important to mention that some 
    people will undergo seizures, chills, tremors, 
    hallucinations, anxiety, depression, and more.

    In my opinion, Alkaline Ionized Water is 
    safe and the easiest way for healthy 'Detoxification'.

    But don't take my opinion, get your own water system.

     Discovering the healthiest benefits for yourself could 
    unleash your successfully healthy abilities and Infinite 

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain with 
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    ~Click here to BUY NOW...

    Jason Toohey
    Expert Health Consultant
    (858) 353-4640