Thursday, December 20, 2012

11 Alkaline Water Benedictions

Alkaline Water Benedictions
                                                                     Jason (858) 353-4640
                                                                     Expert Health Consultant

11 Alkaline Water Benedictions

Can a glass of water make a big difference in your health?

Based on medical research conducted over the last
half century, the answer to the question is yes!

Diet, stress, acidic water and exposure to toxins take a
huge toll on our bodies.

Much of the food we eat, and the beverages we drink
lower the body’s pH, and accelerate damage to tissues,
which results poor health and premature aging.

Ordinary water does nothing to help.

Today’s drinking water is laden with toxins, and treated
with so many chemicals that it has been rendered a
lifeless, tasteless liquid.

Water ionizers use water ionization technology to 
transform ordinary tap water into healthy antioxidant 
potential alkaline water similar to mountain spring 
water, only superior far beyond.

Benefits of Ionized alkaline water:

1. Increases Energy
2. Healthy Weight Management
3. Age-Fighting Anti-Oxidants
4. Cellular Detoxification
5. Preserves Strong Bones
6. Manages Cholesterol Health
7. Improves Digestive Health
8. Guards Blood Pressure Health
9. Supports Pro-Biotics in the Gut
10. Helps Lungs Absorb Oxygen
11. Hydrates Better than Tap or Bottled Water

Increases Energy --

Your body runs on electricity; all of your biological
processes are based on the movement of electrons.

Electricity is what makes your muscles move,
and your nervous system work, and your brain think.

Metabolic processes like digestion are also driven
by electron movement.

Ionized alkaline water is electrically charged water.

The electrical charge in ionized alkaline water is
measured in ORP. (oxidation reduction potential)
oxidation examples: rust on metal or apples going brown
Ionized alkaline water is charged with excess electrons,
so it has a negative electrical charge.
The higher that negative charge, the more electron
power the water will have.

The most powerful water ionizers sold today can
put over -800 ORP into a glass of water.

Your body can use this charge in a number of ways
that can increase your energy level:

Saves Energy –

When you drink water, it takes energy to move it.

Water movement through the cells in the body is done
primarily through special channels in the cells called
A single aquaporin can move over a billion water
molecules per second into a cell.

Aquaporins pull water molecules into cells using a
positive electrical charge.

Because ionized alkaline water carries a negative
charge, it is easier for your body to absorb it.
Your body simply uses less energy to hydrate itself!

Makes Energy – Ionized alkaline water can help the
body make energy by helping the muscles to run
more efficiently.

Muscles make energy by burning glucose, most of
the time they use oxygen to burn glucose which is
called aerobic metabolism.

But when you exert yourself, they make energy without
glucose which is called anaerobic metabolism –
energy made without oxygen.

The problem is, anaerobic metabolism is limited, you
only get short bursts, and the body gets fatigued.

Alkaline water helps the body absorb oxygen more
efficiently, because of this, the muscles are able to
use aerobic metabolism more of the time.

Athletes know this, and they alkalize their bodies prior
to working out to maximize their aerobic metabolism.

More aerobic metabolism = more endurance = more energy.

Healthy Weight Management --

Ionized alkaline water helps the body maintain proper pH
balance, which in turn promotes healthy, natural weight loss.

Dr. Robert O Young, author of: The pH Miracle for Weight Loss,
states that the epidemic of obesity in the industrialized world
is result of acidity in the body because excess acids are
stored in fat cells.
Raising the body’s alkalinity can promote healthy weight loss:

“Your body can-and will-let go of the excess fat, if your
food and drink are alkaline … all that acid-binding fat
will just melt right off. There will be no need for the body to
hold on to it anymore.” - Dr. Robert O. Young, World’s
Leading Expert on alkaline water.

Three ways alkaline water could help you lose weight:

􀀀 Detoxification – Neutralize fatty acids stored in fat cells
so they can be flushed from the system.

􀀀 Metabolism – Alkaline water hydrates the body better,
which supports a healthy metabolism.

􀀀 pH balance – Helps relieve or prevent the symptoms
of Metabolic Syndrome Detoxification – Fatty acids can
build up in the body, and it stores those acids in a
protective buffer of fat.

Alkaline water can help neutralize these acids and flush
them from the body through eliminatory channels.

Metabolism –

The body’s metabolism begins to slow down
with as little as 1% body dehydration. Alkaline water
hydrates 17% better than plain water which helps the body
maintain a healthy metabolic rate.

pH Balance- Research published by Harvard University
Medical shows that maintaining the body’s pH balance with
alkaline water reduces your chance of suffering from the
symptoms of metabolic syndrome – one of which is obesity.

There are three main theories that explain how alkaline
helps you lose weight:

􀀀 Nutrition Deficiency – Alkaline water supplies highly
bio-available nutrients that help weight loss in nutritionally-
deficient people. Nutrition deficiencies are a consequence of
the acidic Western Diet.

􀀀 Acid/Alkaline theory – The body stores excess acids that
come from diet, pollution and stress in fat cells.

Body fat builds up as a consequence.

Alkalinity neutralizes fatty acids in the body, the body
responds by dissolving its protective layer of fat resulting
in weight loss.

􀀀 Hydration – Chronic dehydration can result in a lower
metabolism, the body simply can’t keep up with all the
waste products it’s generating, so it slows the metabolism
and stores fats instead of burning them. Alkaline water
restores normal hydration levels in the body;Detoxification.

Saving Lives; Cellular Detoxification --
Doctors save the lives of poisoning victims by giving them
an intravenous solution of sodium bicarbonate, which raises
the pH of the patient’s urine to about 7.5 - 8.3.

The high alkalinity created by the sodium bicarbonate in the
patient’s body saves them from dying through a process
called ion-trapping, where alkaline ions in the blood bind to
toxins, which are acidic.

Drinking ionized alkaline water causes the stomach to
produce natural bicarbonates which allows the body to
detoxify through urinary ion-trapping every day.

Ion-trapping is how alkaline water provides gentle daily
cleansing of the body’s systems

Kidneys -Ion-trapping process helps capture toxins

Liver – Provides two antioxidants that promote blood cleansing

Muscles – Neutralize and flush out lactic acid

Intestines – Promotes beneficial probiotics that break down toxins
Colon – A properly hydrated colon is a slippery place!
Cells – Flushes out stored toxins

Kidneys – Ion Trapping Process - Bicarbonate ions supplied
by alkaline water combine in the blood with toxins.

The resulting combined molecules are large enough
so the kidneys can flush them from your system. [3]

Liver – Alkaline water increases the levels of a powerful
antioxidant called Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in the liver.

The function of SOD in your liver is to cleanse the blood.
Research suggests that alkaline water can increase
SOD levels by 39% [1]

Muscles – Lactic acid build-up in the muscles is responsible
for that burning sensation you feel after a workout.
Alkaline water sports hydration studies show that lactic acid
levels in the muscles are reduced during a workout when you
drink alkaline water. After the workout, alkaline water helps
flush any remaining lactic acid from the system faster.[4]

Intestines - The intestines work best at pH level of 8.3,
which is alkaline. This is because beneficial probiotics that
help break down food flourish at 8.3 pH. If the intestines are
too acidic, harmful bacteria take over.

Colon – The colon also benefits from beneficial probiotics
that break down wastes. Proper hydration also helps maintain
lubrication in the colon making it easier for it to expel wastes.

Cells – Acidic waste builds up in the cells when the body is
unable to flush them. Alkaline water provides bicarbonates
which neutralize acidic wastes. Those wastes are then
released through the ion-trapping process.

Life Extension --
Aging is the result of damage to bodily tissues by organic
acids, and by active oxygen (free radicals).Aging occurs
when free radicals oxidize molecules and DNA in the body
by stripping them of electrons.

Alkaline water works as an antioxidant to prevent free
radicals from attacking your tissues by providing an
abundance of excess electrons in the body. These excess
electrons are gobbled up by free radicals which are then
prevented from attacking cells and DNA.

Alkaline water is also an important part of maintaining a
healthy pH balance, and a balanced body heals naturally.
A body that is too acidic will be ravaged by free radicals,
and can develop numerous diseases such as arthritis,
atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and more.

How the minerals in alkaline water fight aging.

Some of the minerals found in alkaline water have proven
antioxidant effects in the body. Known antioxidant minerals
commonly found in alkaline water include: copper, manganese,
selenium, and zinc.

If they are present in your source water, alkaline water
produced by an ionizer will have trace amounts of the
above antioxidant minerals in it.

The good news is – you only need trace amounts of these
minerals in your diet! Drinking water is the ideal way to
deliver minerals, because the body can only absorb small
amounts of minerals at a time.

This is one of the major drawbacks of mineral supplements,
they deliver a lot of minerals, but only a small amount is
actually absorbed. Minerals from supplements that can’t be
absorbed are excreted in the feces.

Better Bone Health --
According to a U.S Surgeon General’s report in 2004, one
out of every two Americans over 50 will be at risk
for bone fractures caused by osteoporosis by 2020.
In the opinion of LIFE’s Chief Science Officer,
Dr. Peter L. Kopko D.C:

“Absent the side-effects of certain prescription medications,
which are certainly a risk factor for osteoporosis, the
underlying primary risk factor is chronic acidemia.”

Chronic acidemia refers to a constant state of acidity in
the body. It has been well documented that the traditional
Western diet of protein-rich foods and the over consumption
of soft-drinks, coffee and alcohol can lead to a chronic
low-grade metabolic acidosis.

The physiological response to this acidosis is to leach calcium
out of the bones to buffer this systemic acidity.

Two ways alkaline water can help maintain bone density:

􀀀 Helps prevent calcium-leeching acidosis
􀀀 Alkaline water provides beneficial calcium

Research on women over 75 years of age shows that drinking
alkaline water led to significant decreases in two indicators
that doctors use to measure the rate of bone loss. [10]

􀀀 Parathyroid hormone (PTH) – Controls calcium and phosphorus levels
􀀀 Serum C-Telopeptide (CTX) – Used to measure bone turnover

Parathyroid Hormone – Measures calcium loss. High levels of
PTH in the blood cause your bones to lose calcium.

Serum C-Telopeptide – Measures the rate of bone turnover.
High levels of CTX means that you are losing bone!

A proper diet, supplements, and ionized, alkaline water work
together to maintain bone health.

Heart Health: Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Management
The Mineral Deficiency Epidemic
Mineral deficiencies in the body contribute to high blood
pressure, high cholesterol levels, and heart problems.

Alkaline water has been shown to supply between
10 – 20% of your daily requirements for essential dietary

Studies on Alkaline water show that it can reduce blood
pressure in people with mineral deficiencies; a health problem
that public health officials estimate has become a public
health epidemic. [9]

One study on alkaline water’s ability to reduce blood pressure
showed that alkaline water supplied beneficial levels of calcium
and magnesium even for people with health problems that impair
their ability to absorb those minerals. [2]

Digestive Health
In Japan and Korea, ionized alkaline water is prescribed by
doctor for treatment of chronic, mild digestive upset.

The US FDA hasn’t reviewed alkaline water’s digestive benefits,
nor is it likely to. The cost of having the FDA review a new
medicine is over a billion dollars!

Clinical studies conducted in Japan showed that an average
of 88% of patients who drank alkaline water got full or partial
relief of their symptoms of digestive upset.

The studies showed that drinking alkaline water with a pH
of 9.5 or greater raised the pH of the stomach by as much
as 1 pH, leading researchers to conclude that alkaline water
is a mild antacid.
Keep in mind, the pH scale is logarithmic, so an increase of

1 pH is a 10-fold increase in alkalinity! [11]
Oxygenating the body --
Alkaline water helps the body absorb more oxygen, but it
does this by supplying hydrogen!

Keep in mind that alkaline water has a higher than neutral pH,
and the ‘H’ in pH stands for hydrogen!

The body maintains the blood in a pH range of 7.35 – 7.45.

Blood in the arteries (from the lungs) will have a higher pH
than blood in the veins (from the cells).

Under ideal circumstances, (blood pH of 7.45) a single
molecule of hemoglobin can carry 4 molecules of oxygen.
If the blood pH is lower, the hemoglobin can’t carry as
much oxygen.

How hemoglobin loses the ability to carry oxygen when
cells exhale, an acid called 2,3-DPG breaks oxygen
molecules away from hemoglobin, and binds to
the heme (oxygen receptors) in hemoglobin.

The lungs later break the 2,3 DPG acid away from the
hemoglobin and replace it with oxygen. If the hemoglobin
pH balance is too low, the hemoglobin will be unable to
release the 2,3-DPG acid in the lungs, sand it will be
unable to absorb oxygen.

Alkaline water supplies the necessary alkalinity for the
body to maintain blood pH at the top of its healthy range.

The lungs can then work at maximum capacity to release
wastes, and absorb oxygen.

The health benefits that come from improved hydration
from alkaline water are numerous.

Research shows that alkaline water hydrates your body
17% better than plain water. [4]
Many studies have shown that maintaining the body in
a properly hydrated state has health benefits and improves
athletic performance.
Benefits that have been attributed to ionized
alkaline water super hydration are:

Health Benefits

􀀀 Blood pressure reduction􀀀 Cleanse toxins
􀀀 Cleanse colon

Fitness Benefits
􀀀 Increased Endurance
􀀀 Faster Recovery
􀀀 Oxygen Saturation
􀀀 Body Temperature Control

Blood Pressure Management – Dehydration makes your
blood thicker, proper hydration helps maintain your
blood at a healthy viscosity.

Cleanse Toxins – Hydrating the body better provides
more water for it to flush toxins out.

Colon Cleansing – Ensuring proper hydration keep the
colon lubricated. When you are dehydrated, your brain
has priority over the rest of your body for water in your
bloodstream. The colon is the first organ in your body
that your brain deprives of water.

Increased Endurance – Studies show that athletic
performance diminishes with as little as 2% body
dehydration. Alkaline water has been shown to hydrate
17% better than plain water. [4]

Faster Recovery – Re-hydrating with alkaline water has
been shown to flush lactic acid waste from the body
faster than plain water after exercise.

Oxygen Saturation – Lactic acid waste in the muscles
reduces oxygen uptake. Alkaline water has been shown
to counter lactic acid in the muscles which improves the
muscles’ ability to use oxygen.

Body Temperature Control – Proper hydration allows the
body to sweat enough to release excess heat when the
body is hot. When the body is cold, proper hydration
assures that the blood (which warms the body) has the
right viscosity so it can circulate throughout the body freely.

Other Alkaline Benefits
Alkaline, ionized water is great to drink, but it has many
other uses as well:

􀀀 Makes healthier smoothies
􀀀 Add to acidic fruit juices to make them alkaline
􀀀 Soups (Makes soup taste better).
􀀀 Storage of fruits & vegetables— they last much longer.
􀀀 Removes pesticides, herbicides, waxes & more from fruits & vegetables.
􀀀 Great for any recipe that calls for water.

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits that alkaline
water can have for health. A water ionizer is a wonderful
addition to any home. You get healthy water that makes
food taste better and better for you!

An Alkaline Water Ionizer is truly an investment for
an enhanced quality of Life!!!

Jason Toohey
Expert Health Consultant
(858) 353-4640
Call NOW...


[1] Nakao, Effectiveness of Hydrogen Rich Water on Antioxidant Status of Subjects with Potential Metabolic Syndrome—An Open Label Pilot Study 

[2] Rylander R, Arnaud M, Mineral water intake reduces blood pressure among subjects with low urinary magnesium and calcium levels.

BMC Public Health 2004.

[3] Kopko P. How Alkalinizing the Body Promotes Detoxification

[4] Heil, P and Seifert, J. Influence of bottled water on rehydration
following a dehydrating bout of cycling exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition Retrieved from Springerlink:
[5] Maalouf N. et. al. Low Urine pH: A Novel Feature of the Metabolic Syndrome University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

[6] Integrated Health Services. Acidemia – The Hidden Menace Retrieved from:

[7] Sutton JR, Jones NL, Toews CJ. Effect of PH on muscle glycolysis during exercise.

[8] Coassin, M. Ursini, F. Bindoli, A. Antioxidant effect of Manganese. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics Volume 299, Issue 2, December 1992, Pages 330-333

[9] TH Tulchinsky. Micronutrient deficiency conditions:
global health issues. Public Health Reviews 2010;32:243-255

[10] Wynn, E. et al. Postgraduate Symposium Positive influence of nutritional alkalinity on bone health; Conference on 'Over- and undernutrition: challenges and approaches The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. Cambridge: Feb 2010. Vol. 69, Iss. 1; pg. 166, 8 pgs

[11] Kitahora, et al: “Electrolytic Water in Medical Treatment” Symposium of the 25th General Assembly of the Medical Congress of Japan (1999)

[12] Integrated Health Services. Acidemia – The Hidden Menace Retrieved

[13] Gasnarrini G et al. Effects of bicarbonated-alkaline water (Uliveto) on gastric and gallbladder emptying in normal subjects. Ultrasonic evaluation

[14] Fornai, M et al. Effects of a bicarbonate-alkaline mineral water on digestive motility in experimental models of functional and inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders

[15] Sutton JR, Jones NL, Toews CJ. Effect of PH on muscle glycolysis during exercise.

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