Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Life Ionizers; Alkalinity over Fear

                                                                                                                                                    Jason (858) 353-4640 
                                         Expert Health Consultant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Life 9100

You’ve recently inquired about alkaline water,
and curious am I to know if you are looking to
improve life or have an abundant life with
improved health?

“Imagine a world of nine billion people with
clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing,
personalized education, top-tier medical care,
and nonpolluting, ubiquitous energy. Building
this better world is humanity’s grandest challenge.”

Technology will solve all of our problems. Food, water,
energy, medicine — our capabilities have been rapidly
improving on all of these fronts for decades, and the
best is yet to come.

The only reason we don’t see how terrific our future will be
is because of our cognitive biases towards a society of fear
based on pessimism and gloom.

…Our brain’s filtering architecture is pessimistic by design…
(and) good news is drowned out, because it’s in the media’s
best interest to overemphasize the bad.

Therefore we tend to ignore the advances in robotics,
nanotechnology, computers, water ionizers and innumerable
other technological advances that have put us on the cusp
of taking a great leap forward as a species.

“What follows is the story of how we can rise to meet it.”

A blue print of what it will take to achieve abundance.
They call it the Abundance Pyramid. First, ensure
quality water, food, and shelter for every person on
the planet. 

Then, guarantee abundant energy, educational 
opportunities, and communications and
information access. 

Finally, produce a world where freedom and 
health care is in the province of all as we begin 
to realize it starts with alkaline water.

All of these technologies, and the dozens of others that
"Abundance" introduces you to, will fill every rung of the
Abundance Pyramid, and fast. Progress in technology is
exponential – moving more than fast enough to meet the
challenges ahead.

Wouldn’t you sooner choose holistic health like
alkaline water over conventional medicine?

I mean, alkaline water has a proven track record more
inclined for better health than let’s say, “chemo therapy.”

Did you know before the cancer therapy coined the term
chemo therapy, it originally was called “nitrogen mustard gas.”

The choice is yours, a conventional approach based on fear
or a fearless natural decision that works, you decide…

Jason Toohey
Expert Health Consultant
(858) 353-4640

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