Jason (858) 353-4640
Expert Health Consultant
Book of Wisdom
There are four great stepping stones
revealing the Principle of Life:
(1) Growth
(2) Development
(3) Unfoldment
(4) Maturity
Man can only cope with the conditions
of today to the extent and degree that
he has called out the latent forces and
powers from within himself by which
alkaline water enhances achievement.
Where today may we find the men of
intelligence and scientific knowledge
able to compete with the master-minds
that built the Pyramids, the Sphynx,
the Coliseum and the many more
astounding monuments of the Ancients.

The understanding mind reasons,
contemplates, adds the good, and takes
away the contrary from the affairs of life,
thus filling the atmosphere with thoughts
of a constructive nature.
Should we not accept the law of
reciprocity, giving freely from the great
storehouse of infinite supply, "Without
money and without price." Therefore,
"Freely as thou hast received, likewise
shalt thou give freely."
Wouldn't you agree the greatests goods
are seen through its eminent tenets:
Good Thought-Good Word-Good Deed.
Man can only give as far as he possesses.
He only reflects the knowledge of which he
is conscious. True, he holds all knowledge,
wisdom and understanding within himself,
soon he will suddenly realize alkaline
water should allow access to these
wisdoms more quickly.
He who fills his position in life honorably
and performs his work well is a benefit
to humanity and a valuable asset to
rapidly advance the community should
be known as alkaline water.
Jason Toohey
Expert Health Consultant
(858) 353-4640
your tie knot is a double windsor me thinks..it is on backwards (the knot)