Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Eight Systems of Mental Health

                                            The Eight Systems of Mental Health
                                                             Jason (858) 353-4640
                                                             Expert Health Consultant

The Eight Systems of Mental Health
by Bryan McMahon

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1. Physical. 
2. Biochemical.
3. Electromagnetic.

4. Conceptual.
5. The World.

6. Bio-Energetic.
7. Transpersonal.

8. Love.
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1. Physical.
Improper physical and chemical substances, stored throughout the body will impede our health. This unwelcome material can include; heavy metals, toxic chemicals, parasites, excess acids, impacted feces and bacterial plumes of yeast and fungus.

The first step in healing is to remove this inappropriate matter.

This variety of unsuitable organic and inorganic material can cause distress, dysfunction and disease by depleting nutrients, generating poisons, blocking pathways and denigrating bio systems, thereby lowering the quality of one's mental health.

For optimal mental health these physical impediments must be removed. Cleansing the colon and digestive tract gently and thoroughly is the beginning of the elimination process, enabling other toxic material to pass through and out.

Leached dental mercury and other neuro-toxins are stored throughout the body in fat cells and organ tissue. These central nervous system poisons can be removed with a good detoxification program which may include herbs; super foods; psyllium fiber; chelating agents; baking soda, coconut oil and coffee enemas; raw food; juice fasting; alkalized, micro-clustered, magnetic, antioxidant water; and a far infrared sauna.

A body, clean to the cellular level, is the foundation of a well functioning mind.

2. Biochemical.
With unhealthy substance gone, the body’s cellular structures must be repaired, replaced and set in motion by offering a robust supply of nutrients and all that it takes to actively revitalize the body’s biochemical process.

Many people have become chronically malnourished after decades of a diet that is not nutritionally sufficient. A blood chemical analysis can identify missing nutrients. With this information, supplements, raw food and vegetable juice can be used to repair the body at the cellular level. The biochemical process can be activated by exercise, yoga, sunshine, stress release, social fun and fresh air as well.

By enhancing and balancing the biochemical systems of the body through exercise, proper diet and supplemental nutrition, the health systems can be quickly strengthened. Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and B among other supplements can have an immediate positive mental effect.

By giving the body what it needs to rebuild and move the biochemical process along, the effects of nutrient deficiencies, food allergies, brain inflammation, PH imbalance, chronic infection and hormonal imbalances can be neutralized and mental health can be restored. 

Healing the body heals the mind.

3. Electromagnetic.
When the body is clean and healthy, brainwaves and “heartwaves” can be re-balanced and optimized by dissipating the residual electromagnetic effects of trauma.

All traumas, including difficult birth, physical injury and psychological shock, are registered in the electromagnetic rhythms behind the activity of our brain and heart. In this way a traumatic event can cause a permanent dis-regulation of brainwave activity.

This imbalance can mean that inappropriate energy can be misapplied to a particular brain function, leaving an individual with mental health issues and antisocial coping mechanisms.

For the unhealthy individual, unable to see an effective path forward to full health, this step might be a pragmatic starting point. Dispersal of this traumatic residue leads to clearer thinking, helping the individual to reestablish health in other aspects.

There are a few methods for optimizing one’s brain and heart waves into “whole brain thinking” and “emotional coherence.”  The oldest brainwave optimizing techniques were meditation, drumming and dance. The oldest heartwave optimizing technique is the practice of gratitude, forgiveness and compassion. Recently, effective technical methods of enhancing these desired states have been developed.

Advanced Neurofeedback can provide the brain with EEG feedback about its own activity in near real time self stimulation loops, helping a dis-regulated brain to “reorganize itself” into optimal efficiancy. “Binaural beat therapy” can train the brain to favor different states by repeated exposure to preset brainwave patterns. A biofeedback device can track and encourage particular electromagnetic heart rhythms that relate to desireable emotional states, helping the user to “practice love” on a consistent basis.

These and other technologies can have profound results by clearing the neurological and bio electrical residue of all trauma, freeing the patient from old and dysfunctional electromagnetic patterns of thought and emotion.

When the electromagnetic wave patterns of brain and heart are in an optimized state, psychological pathology finds no place to reside.

4. Conceptual.                                                                    
All of us find limitation in the beliefs, concepts and expectations of ourselves that are assumed and then held as true in our subconscious mind. To be mentally healthy, the self image must be examined and reestablished to provide a more functional vehicle for one’s persona and psyche.

Of course there are many ways to enhance one’s self-image and expectation including the guidance of a hypnosis/NLP life coach. By whatever means, non supportive beliefs and unhealthy self concepts can be replaced with images of confident motivation, positive expectation and a healthy outlook. A positive self definition is both cause and symptom of good health.

5. The World.
To be fully healthy one must interact with people and the world in mutually beneficial ways. To create a relationship with the world the major talents of the individual must first be discovered and enhanced. An individual may find social fulfillment, friends and family, via the development and expression of their innate talents within a community.

Through the practice of goal setting techniques these talents must be refined and developed until they can be exchanged for a rewarding participation with the people of one's community. Of course, a paycheck is a powerful form of therapy and positive feedback. By this participation with people and the world one finds one’s place and so can generate the stability and access needed for friendship, love, family and community.

Life Ionizers

6. Bio-Energetic.
The underlying bio-energetic pathways or “life energy” meridians animating and identifying all living systems have long been recognized. The practice of acupuncture is a well known method to manipulate this system of life energy meridians, but there are many variations including Chi Gong, Reiki, Yoga or EFT.

These disciplines, involving the manipulation and balance of the life energy pattern, can be used for clearing blockages in this bio-energetic system. For instance, by tapping on or stimulating relevant meridian or routing points while focusing on a particular distress, dis-regulated energy is released and mental and physical symptoms can be relieved.

By these methods, a part of the energetic pattern that is disturbed can be reset. Well designed breathing and visualization practices accompany each discipline and add strength and control. The advanced practices and upper therapeutic limits of these disciplines are not publicly known.

Balancing and harmonizing the unobstructed flow of the life energy pathways can facilitate the clearing of physical and psychological damage, sometimes catalyzing profound and immediate results.

7. Trans-personal.
We are all intuitive and therefore connected to others in non physical relationship. With intuition it is possible to carry the influence of transpersonal attachments in very subtle levels of the subconscious. A disempowering intuitive attachment to others, especially those who are strongly related to us, can be a psychological burden to be carried psychically.

This residue of non personal trauma and unconscious relationship is a still more refined level that might need to be cleared with the use of shamanic or past life therapeutic techniques. In this way one can become dis-entangled from these fine images of relationship.

8. Love – The Unified Field of Consciousness.
Ego is a centralized form of consciousness and identity that can manifest as overt individualism. But when two individuals fall in love they decentralize their personal consciousnesses, merging to some small extent into a unified field of consciousness expressed as love.

All forms of consciousness, indeed all manifestation, spring from the limitless ocean of undifferentiated, unified field consciousness. The omnipresent and unified field of consciousness is the ultimate ground of all being. It is Pure, Eternal, Unfocused LOVE.

When the body/mind temple is fully cleansed and ready, the individual that has congealed the potential to transform itself in this way, can choose to re-identify with the unified field. The ego can be subsumed and re-membered with The Truth by consistent and sincere acts of love, compassion, empathy and service to others.

This selfless offering, through the expression of ones personal talent and path, born of clear intention, leads to where True Peace resides.

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Life Ionizers
Expert Health Consultant
(858) 353-4640

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

8 Ways to get Motivated

         8 Ways to get Motivated
                                                                                                                 Jason (858) 353-4640
                                                                                                                Expert Health Consultant

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius
Imagine activating your full potential.

Could it be easy as incorporating alkalinity?

  1. Hit Rock BottomYou’re not going to change anything unless you have a reason and hitting rock bottom is the clearest sign to make a change you can ever get. As JK Rowling wrote, “Rock Bottom is the solid foundation on which I built my life upon.” Let it be your starting position on the road to change and use it to push yourself up.
  2. Adapt a Mantra
    Get something that stands out to you – or rings true to you personally and live the words. Make it the driving force behind everything you do and every second you waste doing something you’ll later regret. Having a mantra as a chant allows you to meditate on your thoughts and forget the physical pain and strain you may be going through.
  3. Set Achievable GoalsWrite down goals that you know you can achieve and begin the process of completing them. Whether it be cleaning your house or car; you don’t have to start with conquering the world – starting small allows you to grow with the little victories.
  4. Surround yourself with like minded peopleHaving people around you that have either already accomplished their goals or are on there way as you are will create the environment for success. A driving force is only stronger in numbers and if your mind should ever waver, someone will be there to pick you back up again.
  5. Don’t be afraid to go it aloneWhile it may be helpful to have other like minded people around you helping you when you’re struggling with change – they can sometimes be vexatious to the spirit and stand in the way of your goals. Be weary of those willing to help – and those unknowingly hindering.
  1. Stop comparing yourself you othersAs Steve Furtick said, “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” Everyone is different and have different levels of success, stop caring about others achievements and begin thinking of your own.
  2. Implement a reward systemHaving a reward system behind your goals allows you to strive for something that you may feel is a little more attainable as opposed to an unknown finish line. Eventually you will get to a point that you no longer need the reward.
  3. Pick yourself back upThere will be a time that you fail and decide that this is not the change you truly want – ignore that thought. No one ever said that change was easy – but it is worth it and nothing worth having will ever come on a silver platter.
What are some ways you get motivated? Do you ever find yourself in a slump and need something to jolt you out of it? What works for you? Leave me a comment below so we can share it in a future thought!

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Jason Toohey 
Expert Health Consultant
(858) 353-4640