8 Ways to get Motivated
Jason (858) 353-4640
Expert Health Consultant

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius
Imagine activating your full potential.
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- Hit Rock BottomYou’re not going to change anything unless you have a reason and hitting rock bottom is the clearest sign to make a change you can ever get. As JK Rowling wrote, “Rock Bottom is the solid foundation on which I built my life upon.” Let it be your starting position on the road to change and use it to push yourself up.
- Adapt a Mantra
Get something that stands out to you – or rings true to you personally and live the words. Make it the driving force behind everything you do and every second you waste doing something you’ll later regret. Having a mantra as a chant allows you to meditate on your thoughts and forget the physical pain and strain you may be going through. - Set Achievable GoalsWrite down goals that you know you can achieve and begin the process of completing them. Whether it be cleaning your house or car; you don’t have to start with conquering the world – starting small allows you to grow with the little victories.
- Surround yourself with like minded peopleHaving people around you that have either already accomplished their goals or are on there way as you are will create the environment for success. A driving force is only stronger in numbers and if your mind should ever waver, someone will be there to pick you back up again.
- Don’t be afraid to go it aloneWhile it may be helpful to have other like minded people around you helping you when you’re struggling with change – they can sometimes be vexatious to the spirit and stand in the way of your goals. Be weary of those willing to help – and those unknowingly hindering.
- Stop comparing yourself you othersAs Steve Furtick said, “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” Everyone is different and have different levels of success, stop caring about others achievements and begin thinking of your own.
- Implement a reward systemHaving a reward system behind your goals allows you to strive for something that you may feel is a little more attainable as opposed to an unknown finish line. Eventually you will get to a point that you no longer need the reward.
- Pick yourself back upThere will be a time that you fail and decide that this is not the change you truly want – ignore that thought. No one ever said that change was easy – but it is worth it and nothing worth having will ever come on a silver platter.
What are some ways you get motivated? Do you ever find yourself in a slump and need something to jolt you out of it? What works for you? Leave me a comment below so we can share it in a future thought!
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Jason Toohey
Expert Health Consultant
(858) 353-4640
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