Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why wait for disease to strike before taking action!

Why wait for disease to strike?
                                                                   Expert Health Consultant 
                                                                  Jason (858) 353-4640

Why is it that most people wait 
for disease or tragedy to strike 
before they make big changes 
to their lives?  
  True tragedy is more than getting 
ill - it’s not living each moment to 
it’s full potential.
Why Wait Until Tragedy to Change?

  The time is now. Don’t wait for 
death to knock on your door to 
make the changes needed in 
order to be truly happy and 
totally fulfilled.  

  For all we know, this may be
our last day on Earth ... so live
it this way and get alkaline today!.

1. Relationships

What would you change in your relationships with others
and your Self if you were diagnosed with cancer?

Would you forgive someone (yourself?), spend more time
with loved ones, express more appreciation to those who

2. Physical Health

What would you change when it comes to your physical
health if you were diagnosed with cancer?  Would you
cleanse or eat more organic, raw, and superfoods. Would
you appreciate the health you have with more exercise and
time doing the things you really enjoy with your body?

3. Mental Health

What would you change mentally if you were diagnosed
with cancer?

Would you start celebrating life and being more grateful?
Would you start focusing more on being positive and less
on the negative?  Would you let go of the little things that
stress you out and just allow them to be? Would you learn
something you’re passionate about but have been putting off?

4. Spirituality

What would you change to deepen your Spiritual connection
and practice if you were diagnosed with cancer?

Would you meditate, pray and take more time to be in silence?
Would you allow yourself to receive more body work & healing
sessions?  Would you study philosophy, put more energy
into being present with your breath?  Would you accept death
as a part of life and live your final days as fully as possible?

5. Creativity

What would you change when it comes to expressing your
creativity if you were diagnosed with Cancer?

Would you draw, paint, write or create video blogs about
your journey? Would you build something with your hands,
invest more energy into doing the things that really make you
feel alive? What would be your creative form of expression to
leave the world with?

6. Play

What would you change to allow more enjoyment into your
life if you were diagnosed with cancer?

Would you play more sports, go for more hikes, take up a hobby
you’ve always wanted to do, go skydiving or play with your kids?
What would you do to really play?

7. Money and Work

What would you do when it comes to your money and work if
you were diagnosed with Cancer?

Would you quit stressing about your debts, leave your job
and do something you love, go traveling, start up a business or
project, give to charities, invest in amazing people & projects, do
something more fun... what would it be for you?

8. Nature Connection

What would you do to feel more connected to the Earth and life if
you were diagnosed with cancer?

Would you spend more time observing in silence, would you
move to the country, go out on more hikes, go to a sweat lodge,
do ceremony, go on a wild herb cleanse?  What would you
change to get more connected?
9. Your Dreams
What would you do to make sure that you lived your dreams as
much as possible before dying?

What would you let go of to create the space in your life to make
sure your last moments were lived fully?  What things would you
do, how would you spend your time, where would you go, what
bucket list items would you have to check off before exiting Earth?

Pass this on to anyone you know who needs an Inspirational
Dosage of Medicine.

To living a rich, full life, 
Expert Health Consultant
Jason Toohey
(858) 353-4640

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